This digitized multimedia book contains the necessary materials in various formats including videos, games and practice recorder to make it a lot easier for students to learn and practice.An online Tanpura or Shruti box is provided in the Online Music Book (OM Book™) to help students practice.Last but not the least, Virtual Online Classes are made available on a weekly basis for students in the Virtual Online Courses and these classes are made available on request on a per need basis for those who enroll into self-study courses. The course 'Maa' from the movie Taare Zameen Par provides a unique opportunity to learn from Shankar Mahadevan, who is the OM Book artist for the course. Naada Tanumanisham Shankaram (Chittaranjani Raga - Adi Talam) by Tyagaraja. The virtual class is not a standalone method of teaching at the academy. , which is designed to create and keep the interest for students to continue to learn music.An Online Music Book (OM Book™) is made available for each course.

Enroll FAQs Press and Events Contact Us Login Toggle navigation. Learning music online is exactly like your traditionl learning and in fact has some distinct advantages: Shankar Mahadevan Academylearn shankar ehsaan loy packHMS707learn shankar ehsaan loy packHMS707. 'The technology developed by us for the Academy - especially the OM Book - is intended to make this process of music learning fun and convenient, and to make it accessible to thousands of Indians in the U.S., who until now had little or no options,' said Sridhar Ranganathan, co-founder and CEO of Shankar Mahadevan Academy. The Academy has done a lot of research and related work to make it easy for students to learn Indian Classical Music Online.